Notizen zu Berlin

Notizen zu Berlin [Notes about Berlin] was written and designed by Jérôme Knebusch during a residency in Berlin in 2009-2011. The book collects voices, stories, rumors & lies to form a portrait of the city – incomplete by definition. It is arranged in 221 loose chapters and is set in an unique version of the typeface Instant integrating signs from vernacular street lettering.

Notizen zu Berlin is part of the public collections of Klingspor Museum Offenbach, Gutenberg Museum Mainz, Museum Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Musée de l'imprimerie Lyon. It has won the UNESCO Book Design Prize and was shortlisted by Most Beautiful German Books, both in 2012.

Notizen zu Berlin by Jérôme Knebusch
Bilingual texts [German, French]
112 pages, 12,5×20 cm
Silver offset print on black Fedrigoni paper
Sewn binding
Fold out cover

The limited edition of 10 copies is signed and numbered.

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